Antisemitism is the world’s most enduring form of hatred, insidiously reinventing itself over the millennia.
Recent years have seen a dangerous resurgence of this hatred worldwide, threatening Jewish communities and undermining social cohesion. To effectively combat this phenomenon, there must first be a commonly agreed upon understanding of what it is. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism was devised for this very purpose.
Since the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism was adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in 2016, it has become the most widely recognized barometer in the collective effort against Jew-hatred, serving as an essential tool to identify and delineate all contemporary manifestations of this age-old societal scourge. The definition's proven effectiveness is rooted in the mainstream consensus that has coalesced around it worldwide - with a diverse array of international institutions and organizations, national and local governments, NGOs, universities, athletic clubs, and corporations using it as a non-legally binding guiding framework for recognizing modern-day iterations of antisemitism, training and educational programs, policymaking initiatives, and judicial process.
As of April 1, 2024, 1,231 entities worldwide have adopted the definition. Among those, 45 countries have done so—including the United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, and France. In the U.S., 36 state governments have done so, along with 92 city and county governments.
IHRA Working Definition Adoptions
Learn More About the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism by Watching the Video Below
IHRA Adoptions Presented by CAM's
Antisemitism Research Center
Through March 2024, a total of 1,231 entities have adopted or endorsed the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism.
The surpassing of the 1,200 milestone since last year’s report compiled by the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) and the Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University is a telling indicator of the far-reaching impact and influence of the definition and its accompanying 11 contemporary explanatory examples of prejudiced and discriminatory behavior against the Jewish people.
A total of 97 new adoptions and endorsements were reported in 2023, while retroactive data collection from previous years added another 3. More than one-third – 38.1% – of adoptions and endorsements in 2023 took place in North America.
The continued growth of the definition’s across-the-board acceptance was particularly pronounced this past year in the United States, where 30 counties and cities adopted it via legislation or executive action, as well as 4 states. More than half - 34 - of U.S. states have now done so, as have 89 American counties and cities.
The largest category for adoptions and endorsements in 2023 were non-federal government entities, including municipalities, counties, state and provincial governments, with 47 in total, including 34, or 72.3%, in the United States.
Broken down by country, the U.S. led the way in IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism adoptions in 2023, with 35, or 36.1% of the total, with Poland (30), Argentina (7), Italy (5), and Croatia (5) rounding out the top five.
Key Findings from The 2023
Adoptions & Endorsements Report
In total, 45 countries, including most Western democracies, have adopted the definition—33 IHRA member states, 5 IHRA observer states, and 7 nations unaffiliated with IHRA.
Following nations such as the United States, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France—among other previous adoptees, the newest additions to this group in 2023 were Latvia, Croatia, and Panama.
37 NGOs, corporations, religious organizations, student clubs, political parties, and other groups adopted the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism in 2023, including 36 public and 1 private entities, bringing the all-time total to 312 (254 public and 58 private).
Another important development in 2023 was the adoption of the definition by the Latin American Parliament, known as the “Parlatino.” In its declaration, the transnational assembly described the adoption of the definition as “an active way of combating hate speech” and “a tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust,” as well as a means to “act specifically against antisemitism in our days and on all other forms of discrimination.”
A key category of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism adoptions has been institutions of higher education, with 345 overall, and 8 colleges and universities worldwide adopted the definition in 2023.
Despite the troubling increase in antisemitism on campuses, only one U.S. higher education institution, Boston University, adopted the IHRA’s Working Definition of Antisemitism this year. This adoption, however, was only facilitated by the student government, thus limiting its overall efficacy.
However, there is a model for fighting collegiate antisemitism that is worth emulating in the United States and elsewhere. In the United Kingdom, following a sustained campaign spearheaded by the government, 236 colleges and universities adopted the definition from 2019 through 2021. This has given educational institutions in the United Kingdom a critical tool necessary to define and subsequently punish incidents of antisemitism, as the incorporated the definition in the Student Code of Conduct and implemented it at the administrative level.
514 non-federal government entities (including regional, provincial, state, county, and municipal bodies) have adopted the definition, with 47 doing so in 2023. These sub-national governmental bodies include the Polish cities of Warsaw and Plosk; Florence, Italy; and Kansas City, Cincinnati, and Dallas in the United States. Notably, the city of Fort Lauderdale, Florida did so shortly before hosting the 2023 North American Mayors Summit Against Antisemitism organized by CAM this past November.
In the United Kingdom, 271 regional, local, and municipal governments have adopted the definition, as have 123 in the United States, 55 in Argentina, 20 in Canada, 13 in Italy, nine in Germany, eight in France, five in Australia, three each in Spain and Venezuela, and two each in Brazil and Poland.
Support for the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism transcends the political and ideological spectrum, coming from entities and individuals of a broad swathe of religious, national, and cultural backgrounds:
Report an IHRA Adoption
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Overall, 45 countries—including the United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, and France—have adopted the definition. In the U.S., 34 state governments have done so, either via legislation or executive actions, along with 89 city and county governments, with Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Miami, Dallas and Wichita among others.