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IHRA Event Page Hero (Winning Tool)
Watch the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) special online symposium to highlight the vital importance of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism and promote its continued growth and implementation. The forum featured representatives of entities thathave adopted the definition sharing why theydid so and how this positively impactedtheir work and society as a whole.

M E E T   O U R   S P E A K E R S

Bill Lee
Congressman Josh Gottheimer
Nicola Beer (VP)
Antonio López-Istúriz White
Lord John Mann
Prof. Irwin Cotler
Prof. Ahmed Shaheed
Irina-Dumitrița Solomon
Alma Hernandez
Erion Veliaj
Jared Nieuwenhuis
Margaret Esakoff
Kenneth L. Marcus
Dr. Alvin H. Rosenfeld
Blank Navy_

Learn More About the IHRA
Working Definition of Antisemitism

H E L P   U S   P R O M O T E